What's involved?

The Delivery model is broken down into 8 topics:

  1. Managing and Leading a Team
  2. Leadership and Management Principles
  3. Stakeholder Relationships
  4. Organisational Governance
  5. Operational Planning
  6. Project Scope
  7. Project Implementation
  8. Evaluation and recommendation

The course is delivered over 18 months.  

The programme is delivered via a mixture of 2-day workshops, online webinars, coaching sessions, and work-place learning.

The online webinars cover the knowledge and the face-to-face development workshops cover the skills and behaviours.

Criteria for application
  • Must be in correct job role suitable for qualification
  • Line Manager & HRBP endorsed application
  • Must be able to commit to 5 x 2hr webinar sessions and attend all 3 x 2-day face to face classroom based skills days
  • Must be able to commit 3 – 5 hours of self-study per week
  • Not currently undertaking an Apprenticeship

If you're nominating in Scotland or Wales, please complete the expression of interest form online (opens in a new tab)