to the M&B Apprenticeship Recruitment Page
Apprenticeships are a great way to create a talent pipeline for your business, and help us bring a new talent into the industry. Lifetime Training will advertise your vacancy and provide you with candidates.
There are no age restrictions on who you can recruit - it can be a school-leaver aged 16 and over, or somebody looking to retrain and join a different industry! We pay National Minimum Wage to our apprentices, which keeps us competitive. There is also a £500 payment to your P&L to help you train newly recruited apprentices in the first few weeks.
To find out more about how M&B's apprenticeships work and what's on offer, please read our guide.

To be eligible:
- The candidate must be aged 16+
- The business must have 30 hours per week available
- The candidate must be placed on an apprenticeship job code