England apprenticeship nominations

If you are looking to nominate yourself or an existing Team Member for an apprenticeship, please complete the form below, and a member of the Lifetime Training Team will be in touch.

Apprentice success stories

The apprenticeship has supported my career development by learning new things and always pushing me to do better

Cameron Marcus Talks, Sarsen Stones

I wanted to gain a nationally recognised qualification, while building my skillset. Hopefully having this qualification can open the door for more opportunities for me in the future

Chloe Wright, Woodlark Borden
Marston's Chef Academy and Rate My Apprenticeships Awards

Marston's run Chef Academies all across the UK to upskill their first and second line chefs. They have also been rated a Top 100 Apprenticeship Employer by RATEMYAPPRENTICESHIP.

Watch the videos to find out more.

Marston's Apprenticeship Chef Academy
Rate My Apprenticeship Awards
Apprenticeships available to you & your employees

To be eligible:

  • You must not be enrolled in any form of education
  • You must work a minimum of 16 hours per week
  • Have lived within the EU/UK for 3 years or more

Nominate now